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World War III


Do you ever watch the news and think "wow....this is all SOOOOO depressing/scary/sad!"?  We are going to capitalize on that feeling and channel it to our academic efforts in predicting how, when, and where WWIII will happen!












Goal: To build student knowledge of past and current world events and conflicts through various assignments in order to write a prediction proposal about a potential and looming Third World War.


Task: Complete the introduction information and 7 War Assignments to gradually build your knowledge of world conflicts, tensions and geography in order to carry out the goal of the project. 


War Assignments

Print all assignments to keep in you individual "War Portfolio"

Mrs. V will provide folders for you to keep your work in.


Assignment 1 -News Logs and Reports

Due Monday, December 9 - 30 points total 

Method of Information Collection - World News programs on television or online broadcasts

Presentation StyleNews Log, 1 page typed summary of information (12pt font, double spaced, TNR)

Throughout this week (November 12 - November 16), you are required to watch at least 20 minutes of World news per day. While you watch the news, keep a TYPED log of the stories that are being talked about.  You are looking for information that will relate to a possible WWIII (physical conflicts, peace agreements, declarations of war, updates on American Presidential Election, military news from other nations, changes of regime around the world, etc...).  After you compile all of your information, compose a 1 page summary of what you watched, connecting events and stories to WWIII and identifying vocabulary words and introduction questions that can relate to those stories.  If you go over 1 page, that is OK but please do not compose a book! 

Assignment 2 -Current Event  **Country Profile - Due Wednesday, December 4

Due Wednesday, May 1 - 30 points total

Method of Information Collection - World News Websites

Presentation Style - Weekly Current Events Articles

This assignment similar to our Current Event Articles. The articles and events that you select this week must have potential ties to a global conflict.  Create ONE DISCUSSION QUESTION or Agree/Disagree statement per article.  These must be TYPED on the article and used to stimulate class conversation. You are required to have 3 articles! 

Assignment 3 -War Profiles

Due Thursday, December 5- 20 points

Due Monday, December 9 - 20 points

Method of Information Collection - Epic History Videos

Presentation Style - World War Profiles, small group discussion

Before I can ask  you to predict the next World War, you must have a thorough understanding about the two previous global conflicts.  In class, you will complete profiles on both WWI and WWII while watching videos about each war.  Upon completion of each video, you will be required to compose 2 discussion questions about the information that you collected. After the profiles are completed and questions composed, we will conduct small - group discussions.  This will only work if you each compose deep, critical thinking questions.  The goal of the profiles is to familiarize yourselves with the wars so that you understand how and why a third world war could be similar or different. The small - group discussion is meant to challenge you to critically think about these events and understand how this information may impact our future. 








Assignment 4 - America's Involvement Around the World

Due Wednesday, December 11 - 20 points total 

Method of Information Collection - Research

Presentation Style - Google Presentation or other presentation format

Throughout the course of its history, the United States has been involved in countless conflicts around the world - militaristically, economically, or through humanitarian efforts. The next step to predicting World War III is finding out why our own country has involved itself in these numerous conflicts. From the attached list of conflicts, select 1 from each category and, compiling your information into 1 presentation, explain when, why, and how the United States got involved. If it was a multi-step process of involvement, fully explain it. The more detailed you are, the better off you will be in the end. Choose only ONE conflict that you are familiar with. 

Assignment 5 - Alliances
Due Wednesday, December 11 - 20 points total 

Method of Information Collection - Research

Presentation Style - Infographic created in Canva, Poster My Wall, etc...

Now that we have explored reasons that our nation has been involved in world conflicts, we need to look at longstanding alliances that include and exclude America. Identify 5 alliances that the world superpowers are currently bound in and explain what type of alliance it is (militaristic, economic, political, etc...). Use a variety of country combinations and select only up three alliances that America is a part of. Finally, identify four natural geographic barriers and four natural geographic openings that could aid to the start of a war.

Assignment 6 - War Speeches

Due Monday, May 13 - 40 points total 

Method of Information Collection - Research

Presentation StyleSpeech, you may use notecards to help prompt the speech and visual aids to help bring life to your speech.

This gives students a great deal of creative freedom! Each student will select a broad topic relating to war and prepare and deliver a speech on it. At least 4 subtopics will help to develop and organize the speech.  Before starting the writing process, we need to learn how to properly write an informative speech OUTLINE (speeches are NOT pages and pages of notes).  Watch the video "Writing a Speech Outline"  to understand this process.  Examples of speech topics are: Women in War, Weapons: A Time Line, Methods of Warfare, Religion in War, etc... You may use simply photographs or artifacts as visual aide, no presentations with wording.  These will be worked on in and out of class.  Notecards for presenting are recommended if you are not going to memorize your information.

Assignment 7 - WWIII Prediction Summary

Due Friday, December 13 - 25 points total 

Method of Information Collection - Previous War Assignments

Presentation Style - World War III Prediction Paper

You will combine learned knowledge and documented information to fill out a summary sheet for your prediction of WWIII.  This will  be used to write your full Prediction Proposal in the coming days.  The form that will be use is almost identical to War Assignment 4. This assignment is where the combined War Portfolio will come in handy! Completely as thoroughly as possible and your final proposal will write itself! 


World War III Proposal - Final Project

Due Wednesday, December 18 - 90 points total 

Method of Information Collection - Previous War Assignments

Presentation Style - World War III Written Proposal

Compose a 5-7 page World War III Proposal Paper.  This will be a compilation of all of the previous war assignments and based off of the prediction summary.  See the following documents for further information. Follow the sample paper closely and note the formatting requirements. 

Mrs. VanAlstine

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