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The Science of Happiness

Where Do You Stand? 

Happiness in life depends on social and economic status and success, eveything else just alters our degree of happiness, or lack there of.

I am grateful, everyday.

Love is a basic human need for survival.

I have the power to make someone happy TODAY.

I am committed to you!

I care for you as a student

& a person

You can succeed!!!

I am grateful for you, everyday!

...Grateful People are happy people...

What are you going to do about your own happiness?

Think of someone who: 

  • You love

  • Has inspired you

  • Gives you strength

  • Needs some love in their life

  • Is just awesome

Write them a letter of:

  • Love and thanks

  • Gratitude

  • Inspiration

  • Praise

Seal the letter in an envelope and address it to the person:

  • Write their name and address in the MIDDLE of the envelope

  • Write Shelby High School and the school's address in the TOP LEFT corner

  • Miss Bowerman will stamp and mail the letters.


....How do you feel?

....was this hard?

....How important is happiness to you?

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

                ~Mahatma Gandhi

Mrs. VanAlstine

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